Winter sports

Last week for winter sport i did touch and i am in purple. We versed south Brighton school and Brighton Catholic we won against new Brighton Catholic and lost to south Brighton. I got 3 tries throughout both of the games, once we were done i ran over the draw cards to some people and then we started walking back to school and once we got back we all sat down in the amphitheatre for the player of the days and i red out the player of the day for purple team it was rocky. then we were all let go and we went home. And that was my winter sports thank you for reading

end of year reflection

This year I moved in to Tangaroa from Tawhirimatea and I have had so much more fun in Tangaroa because we have gotten more privileges like surfing,koru games,touch, and many more and I have liked how the teachers have been with me through out my journey in Tangaroa. and we normally play dodge ball Tuesday to Thursday and Mr Redmond says if your get headshoted you don’t have to go down so when ever someone throughs a weak through and someone just leans down so its a head-shot and the other person is down and your not. and on Tuesday some of my mates and me go to surfing with the rock surfing Tim Youka and Jason. so at about 9.15 paul comes down and gets us so we can go down to new brighton beach and we get there and get changed in to our wetsuits then we have a talk and then we grab our surf board and Tim normally grabs my surfboard and takes me far out and I catch a fast and big wave its kinda scary but fun as well. when i leave school i really wanna be in the nrl.






This term we have been training for koru games and last term we did winter sport iv really enjoyed  doing those type of things including my rugby league. This year i played in a tournament down here in Christchurch and iv played another tournament up in Auckland for 3 days i think i did pretty good so does other people. I would really enjoy doing another tournament another week. i also really cant wait for koru game so yea bring it ON!

Today a lady called Maddie Davidson came to my school she is a trampolinest and a gymnast she showed us some of her videos and her tricks from all over the world like Tokyo and Russia Brazil.


Mahi-a-tahi is good because it has games below it and games on it like murdle wordle globle and flagle

and once you’ve got 4 points you can play dodge ball at the end of the week.

Lending and dept

I have been learning about lending and debt. These are some new things I have learnt.

Arranged overdraft – when you spent more money then you have in your account

Max overdraft limit – The maximum amount of money you are allowed to borrow

set-up fee A one-off charge that is sometimes called an establishment fee.

Weekly service fee. A fee that you regularly pay to the bank for having an overdraft

bankruptcy when you have no money left and cannot pay your debts in banqer this can be initiated by the creditor (the bank)


Animal report